Get A Local Removalist Quote Instantly!

Simply fill out our quick and simple form we will send your enquiry
to 3 x local removalists in your area instantly. It's that easy!

Step #1

Where are you moving to?

Step #2

When are you moving?

Step #3

Let's send some quotes!

    • Booking Date (mm/dd/yyyy) *

    • Move Type *


    We do all the
    hard work for you!

    Get the best price quickly and take the stress out of your move. We provide your quote to 3 different local removalists in your area.


    No more waiting
    around for quotes!

    Receive the quotes instantly when you submit our form. Using our advanced algorithm we're able to calculate your move accurately.

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    3 simple steps
    is all it takes!

    We've worked hard on making our form as easy and simple to use as possible, 3 simple steps is all it takes, it takes less than 2 minutes.

    Don't have time? Not a problem

    Just fill out the quick quote above which only requires the minimum viable amount of information to give you a quote from our removalists.

    Get A Quick Quote Now

    Australia Wide!

    We have removalists and trucks all over Australia
    always ready to deliver an exceptional service.


    Trucks available.


    Cities serviced.



    Australia Wide Map

    Why Use Compare Removalist Quotes?

    Skip the hassle of trying to find a removalist yourself and let us find you a local removalist that will safely and professionally move your precious belongings.

    No Hidden Extra Costs

    We make sure all of our removalist quotes are all inclusive and there are no hidden or added costs later on.

    Trusted Removalists

    We screen all of our removalists to ensure we only deliver the highest level of service and satisfaction.

    Australia Wide!

    We have removalists all-over Australia and can find you a local removalist in any Australian suburb.

    Competitive Prices

    Our removalists will provide you with a competitive quote that you won't be disappointed with.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Should I fill out the "quick quote" or the "quote with inventory"?

    Really it’s up to you, the "quick" quote as the name suggests is for people who don’t have a lot of time to fill out the inventory quote so our removalists are only able to give you an estimate. With the inventory quote it gives our removalists all the information to give you a more accurate quotation.

    Why should I submit my details to Compare Removalist Quotes?

    We pride ourselves on providing customers with qualified, reliable and local removalists with competitive quotes. We ensure that our customers only receive the highest level of service and customer satisfaction.

    How long until I hear back from a removalist?

    When you submit one of our forms it gets sent immediately to three local removalists in your area. Our removalists usually contact you within the hour your quote.

    Is insurance included with the quote?

    All of our removalist companies have Transit and Public Liability Insurance, however we strongly recommend to take out own insurance policy so everything is 100% covered completely.

    Are their any additional costs?

    Absolutely not, we ensure that when our removalists provide you with a quote that it's all inclusive and no hidden fees or extra’s added on later.

    When's the best time to book my move?

    Depending on whereabouts you’re moving from and to we recommend at least 4 weeks prior to when you’re planning to move. However a lot of our removalists also do provide emergency and short notice moves, so you might be in luck. For interstate moves we recommended to book your move as early as possible as this requires a lot more organization from the removalist companys end.

    Should I use my packing materials and boxes or get the removalist to supply them?

    We recommend having the removalist supply the boxes for your move but if you want to save money on your quote then you can choose to supply your own packing materials.

    I'm having trouble submitting the forms

    Please contact our technical support at and they will assist you.

    Quick Quote